Renana Keydar, ‘Lessons in Humanity’: Re-evaluating International Criminal Law’s Narrative of Progress in the Post 9/11 Era, Journal of International Criminal Justice 17.2 (2019), 229-257.
Renana Keydar, ‘Everyone’s Child’: The Challenge of Judging Israeli Soldiers in the Shadow of the Conflict, Law, Culture and the Humanities 18(3) (2019), 765-788.
Renana Keydar, 'I Was in a War, and in a War Things Like that Happen': On Judgments and Ethical Investigations in Israeli Law and Literature, Jewish Social Studies 18(3) (2013), 212-224.
Renana Keydar, Survivor Testimony of the October 7 Events: Between the Legal and the Documentary, Remembrance and Research 5 (2024), 8 pp. (in Hebrew).
Renana KeydarPI, Amit PinchevskiPI, Maxim IferganS, Omri AbendC, Testimony from the Machine: Listening to Holocaust Testimony as a Whole, Law, Society and Culture–Law and the Material Turn 7 (2024), 25 pp. (in Hebrew).
Mohr WengerST, Tom KalirST, Renana Keydar PI (LAW), Gabriel Stanovsky PI (CS), Automated Extraction of Sentencing Decisions from Court Cases in the Hebrew Language, Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Natural Legal Language Processing, co-located with the 2021 Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
2023, DisinfoCon, Berlin, Germany—Will generative AI be the end of democracy? (invited speaker).
2022, Lawyers’ Circle of the US Holocaust Museum, Washington DC, USA—Holocaust Research in the Digital Age (invited speaker).