
The Faculty of Law

  • Law and Data (62681) 

  • Law, Literature and Human Rights (62864)


Courses in Law

AI, Democracy, and the Rule of Law (62971)

Semester: Yearly
| Offered: 2024-2025

Course Syllabus

Course description: This seminar explores the intricate relationship between artificial intelligence (AI), democratic principles, and the rule of law. Specifically, this course will examine how AI impacts democratic processes, civil liberties, and the administration of justice, while also considering how democratic values and legal principles can guide the development and deployment of AI systems..

Law Technology and Data (62971)

Semester: 2nd semester
| Offered: 2023-2024

Course Syllabus

Course description: This year I teach an advanced course on Law, Technology and Data, which explores the many interfaces between the fields, including online speech regulation, privacy, algorithmic decision making, ethics of AI, legal-tech and more.

Semester: 2nd semester
| Offered: 2023-2024, 2024-2025

Course Syllabus

Course description: I also direct the Master Class for PhD students which introduces the students to seminal readings across different legal branches and theories, presented by leading scholars in the respective fields, as well as practical training in academic presentation and writing. 

Courses in DH

Topics in Digital Humanities Research Seminar (33503)

Semester: Yearly
| Offered: 2024-2025

Course Syllabus

Course description: This course will allow students to acquire the appropriate skills for planning, designing, and conducting research projects in the digital humanities field.

Humanistic research in the digital age (33500)

Semester: 1st and/or 2nd Semester
| Offered: 2023-2024, 2024-2025

Course Syllabus

Course description: I direct the teaching program in Digital Humanties which offers students the opportunity to immerse in this exciting and fast-growing field.

Textual research lab in the Humanities (33503)

Semester: 2nd semester
| Offered: 2023-2024

Course Syllabus

Course description: As part of the program, I teach the introductory course to DH, which brings together theoretical foundations and hands-on experience and an advanced research lab in DH, which provides students with a chance to design and execute their own DH project. 

Annual School in DH 

The Winter School

Description: The Winter School in Digital Humanities at Hebrew University was established with the mission of bridging the gap between the state of DH in Israeli academia and the international community. The purpose of the Winter School is to expose Israeli students from universities across Israel, to the theoretical insights and computational methods in the field of DH, enabling them to pursue DH research independently and to take part in the developing academic world. Additionally, we aspire to building a local DH community from its roots, with the Hebrew University at its center. 

Winter School (in Hebrew)