Law School

Current Projects: 

”Unraveling the Crisis of Narrativity: A Digital Humanities Approach to Mass Atrocity.” My current project seeks to develop new modes of textual engagement with, and interpretation of, victim testimonies in mass atrocity trials. Applying innovative insights and computational methodologies from Digital Humanities, I engage with the plurality of testimonies presented in the proceedings before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
(ICTY), as “textual datasets.” Bringing together law and the humanities, I seek to bridge a growing gap between the potential wealth of information that storytellers can provide about the phenomenon of mass atrocity and the truncated, fragmented pieces of narration that their stories are turned into in the judicial process.

Additional projects: I am leading an interdisciplinary research group in the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute titled: “The Future of Justice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on justice in the context of contemporary conflicts”.

Dr. Renana Keydar: The Origins of Law and Literature
Dr. Renana Keydar: The Origins of Law and Literature, In order to watch the lecture, press here.